Shrub In Container

Growing shrubs in container will give a variety and unique design to your garden. Container with shrub trees can decorate both your outdoor and indoor also. Here is some information on container, which are required for shrub trees, and also some plant that can be grown in container.

Steps for growing shrubs in container

Selecting container for shrubs
Choose a container large enough to give your shrub's roots room to grow and weighty enough to balance the top-heavy growth. If you intend to leave the shrub outside all year round, make sure the container is fully frost-proof.

Wooden half-barrels are the ideal container for large shrubs but the wood should be of good quality otherwise the wood will fall apart and the pot will break as the shrub grows.

Peat based multipurpose compost are not suitable for the growth of shrubs. Loam-based compost is the ideal ones as they are more capable of taking care of the nutrients.

  • First check that your container has several draining holes. You can make the holes large or drill new holes in wooden and plastic pots.
  • Layer 3 inches of broken terracotta pieces or polystyrene plant trays at the base of the container before filling it with compost. Polystyrene plant trays pieces decrease the weight of the pots.
  • Well-drained soil helps in the development of the roots and too much water in the root of the plant are more intended for frost damage.
  • You can also make the pot stand on the terracotta stand or on wooden pieces. If the pot is kept elevated from the ground level then the drainage facility works undisturbed.