General tips on green garden lawn
- Give any shape like round, square, rectangular, or curvilinear to your garden lawn. Also border it with bricks or by sowing plant beds.
- If possible try not to invest much space on big garden lawns, as it requires much maintenance.
- For sowing grasses on the garden lawn consult with Cooperative Extension Service for the best suitable grass for your kind of soil. Also continue watering them unless they are matured enough and trimmed often.
- For warm-season lawn grasses May-month is the accurate time for fertilizing. For cool-season lawn grass the month of March or April is preferable. For both cool and warm season grasses the fertilizer should be a slow absorbed product. While application you need to follow the instructions given on the bag.
To kill broadleaf weeds such as dandelions and clover use a drop spreader. Choose if you want to use granular weed killer or granular weed-and-feed product as a lawn fertilizer. You should apply when the grass is moist because the granules should stick to the lawn grass for 24 hours. Just see to it that it doesn't rain within the next 48 hours or the lawn fertilization will be useless. As you have to keep the lawn grasses moist for the fertilizer to stay on the grasses you have to water them thoroughly. So don't apply water the next day.