Growing Annual Flowers

If you have a special love for any flower then you can make it an everlasting beauty of your garden with innovative cultivation. So you can enjoy the beauty of the flower of your choice even though the climate and other conditions are not quite favorable. But then if we want to divide the flowers on the basis of their life cycle then there will be three divisions annuals, biennials, and perennials though you can certainly go out of your way and plant flowers according to your choice. Growing annual flowers with research and care can give amazing results.

Sowing flowers tolerant to the climate
The annual flower types are again divided into hardy, half-hardy and tender annuals. Except hardy annuals other annual flower types are not very much able to bear the chilly weather. Hardy annual flowers bloom in winter. These flowers are sowed in the fall or during the spring i.e. before the winter fall. They are not heat-tolerant and cannot survive under the scorching heat. Here are some names of hardy annual flowers like calendula, cornflower, foxglove, larkspur, pansy, sweet alyssum, stocks, viola, and many dianthus cultivars.

Half-hardy annuals are not able to survive the cold frost but it can tolerate damp cold weather. They are seeded after the last spring frost, as they don't require warm soil to germinate. Some examples of half-hardy annuals include baby's breath, bells of Ireland, blue sage, candytuft, celome, forget-me-nots, love-in-a-mist, snow-on-the-mountain, strawflower, and torenia. Half-hardy annuals sometimes droop in the summer and again blossom at the end of the summer.

Tender annuals are comfortable in the warm regions and are contrary to the cold places. The seeds of tender annual type doesn't sprout in cool soil temperature rather it will rot. So it should be sowed after three weeks of last spring frost. Tender annuals include ageratum, balsam, begonia, celosia, coleus, globe amaranth, impatiens, marigold, morning glory, nasturtium, nicotiana, petunia, scarlet sage, verbena, vinca, and zinnia.

Biennial flower plant
Flowers grow more during the fall and spring. The life cycle of biennial plants begins during the fall continues all through the winter season and ends at spring. During the fall the biennial plants produce only leaves. Then the winter period passes and they bloom in the spring, produce seeds, and then die. Some popular biennial plants include foxglove, hollyhock, stocks, and sweet williams. The only disadvantage of biennial flowers is that it produces too much of leaves.