Interplanting Vegetables

Now that you have a garden you will surely like to increase the production of your garden to bring some utility out of it. You can do this by implementing an innovative technique of planting trees by using this useful planting technique which though old one have been quite updated to the present requirements. Interplanting means planting the crops suited to the growing area i.e. growing crops that are quite friendly to the available soil, light and nutrient of that particular place.

Tips on Interplanting vegetables
  • Select the number and variety of vegetables to be sown according to your creative interest.
  • For a fruitful interplanting vegetable garden sow some longtime vegetables like tomatoes or winter squash. And between them plant the short time vegetables. Example-: plant caged tomatoes with scallions, melons with sweet corn, lettuce with pole beans etc.
  • Inter planting garden is not a common garden with straight rows. But it has path around the interplanted areas. This design also gives an aesthetic value to the eyes.
  • There is a disadvantage in the technique of inter planting. There are more chances of plants getting infected. As in this technique the plants are sometimes over stuffed. Don't grow radishes or lettuce with tomatoes.
  • The inter plant area should have enough space as when the vegetables grow they doesn't fruit on each other. They can surely touch each other. Also the area has to be quite brief so that you can go from one vegetable area to another by just going across it easily.
  • A successful method of interplanting is sowing plant in squared sections. The area of your garden in divided into square foot inches. In each section you can plan and sow seeds like you can grow 16 radishes, nine beets in one section and some radishes and one cabbage in the other section.
  • Another advantage of interplanting technique is that it prevents the growth of weeds. But still you have to take care and prevent it by pulling the weeds by hand or by using onion hoes. You can also apply mulch, which will prevent the weed growth and also fulfill the water requirement.