Lawn Grass

By now you must have been inspired to make a lawn in your garden and even have constructed it. So here we have provided you some information on the common lawn grasses. There are different types of lawn grasses and the variations in the lawn grass are mainly due to the climatic conditions. Cool season grasses are most suited to the northern states. These lawn grasses grow specifically during autumn, winter or spring season. The grasses don't demand much care but heavy fertilization is a must. The most well known grass type for lawn is Kentucky bluegrass.

Some lawn grass also includes Fine fescues (such as Chewings, Illahee, Pennlawn, Creeping Red), which are generally grown in bluegrass lawns. If you are a newcomer in lawn making then blend the seeds with 25% fescue. They grow well with bluegrass and in dry or unfertile soil. Another grass type is Bentgrass that needs special care than normal lawns. If you want to plant them it is better to select the more friendly varieties like Highland compared to the creeper species. Bentgrass requires more watering, feeding, often mowing, more precaution against disease, and occasional thinning.

The ideal time for growing lawn grass is the autumn. This is the time for the lawn grasses to earn energy for the spring. The second accurate time is spring if there is no heavy snowfall. If you fertilize in autumn then all the food goes to the plant and not to the weed but in summer time it helps the weeds to grow, as bluegrass becomes energy less on the warmer days. During the summer bluegrass rarely requires attention.