Steps before positioning the trellis
There are different designs of trellis that can be ideal for your home garden. But selecting the ideal type of trellis depends on what type of plants will be climbing on it. While choosing the right design of trellis for your garden it is a better option to choose a strong trellis, which is also beautiful enough to embellish your garden. Trellises can be metallic wooden or of plastic like PVC pipe. Metallic posts are better than the wooden ones as they last long and doesn't get damaged easily. If you insist on wooden post it is better to layer it with a preservative. On top of the posts you can spread plastic or string net or chicken wire net. But chicken wire net has a disadvantage. Removing dead plants form chicken wire net can be a troublesome job. Long Bamboo poles can be used to climb pole beans
Some information on trellis structure
- Plants should be trained to climb on trellises while they are small. Attach string on the plants and make them climb the trellis
- Trellis structures should be located on the north side of the garden so that the other plants are not overshadowed.
- It is better to use vertical trellis if there is a space problem.
Advantages and disadvantages of the trellis structure
- Vegetables grown with the support of trellis are easier to pluck and don't get rot easily. It is because it has less contact with the soil.
- Air is circulated more and it results in the healthy growth of the vegetables.
- Trellises can also take care of your privacy by providing you a sort of screen from unwanted attention.
- Also it can be a cool shade during the summer and give a relief from the scorching sun.
Growing plants on trellises are not without disadvantages.
- Trellises should be strong enough for the windy places.
- Plant that are not naturally climbers you need to train them so that they can climb the trellises.
- Heavy fruit and vegetables will require more support while grown on trellises.
- Thorough -watering is required for trellis-plants, as water is been absorbed quickly in this growth technique.
- As trellis plants are more open to wind so it prevents pollination. So it affects the flower plants especially.